Robocup Rescue

IURS 2008 Summer School on Rescue Robotics
Duració: 01:21:35
130 visualitzacions

Andreas Birk

RoboCup is an international initiative to promote AI and robotics research using soccer game. Started in 1997 in Nagoya (Japan), annual world championships have been held, and regional opens on each continent. Run by the RoboCup Federation, the main activities are Soccer, Rescue, Junior competitions and the scientific conference RoboCup Symposium. A dream drives RoboCup: By 2050, build a team of fully autonomous humanoid which win against human world champion under the official regulation of FIFA. But RoboCup is not only soccer: RoboCup Rescue started in 2000, as an AAAI event, and currently there are 3 competitions in 2 leagues, with simulated and real robots.

Data pub.: 01/11/08