Viewfinder Project

IURS 2008 Summer School on Rescue Robotics
Duració: 01:03:00
163 visualitzacions

Yvan Baudoin

This project is running in coordination with Guardians. The very essence of the VIEW-FINDER Intelligent Information System IIS is to integrate disparate elements involved in a crisis situation into an info-structure that will allow information to be exchanged readily between all of those elements: crisis centers, relevant forces dealing with the crisis (firefighters, debombing squads, police, etc.), platforms and sensors. The VIEW-FINDER system is composed of a minimum of two mobile robotic platforms equipped with olfaction systems. The platforms can cooperatively search for chemical volatiles released from dangerous devices, sharing information with neighbors inside a partially unknown environment. During the exploration, each robot sends the gathered information about the environment to a high-level module, which fuses all the collected information and uses the processed data to provide feedback to global group controllers (COC and CRM). Additionally, this high-level module provi

Data pub.: 01/11/08